Home Website entry page


Introduction to the website
Contents Contents - this page!
Introduction Introduction to radar story with links to website pages.
What is Radar? Brief explanation of what radar is.
Radar in the War Outlining the significant role of radar in World War II.
Frequent Questions  Frequently questions about radar development in Purbeck.
Legacy Technological legacy of wartime radar development.
Study Education page.
Story Story of early radar development in the UK
0.4MB 'Early Days of Radar' by Dr Bill Penley CB CBE.
People About the people involved in radar development.
Introduction Introduction to people pages + some key people.
Director's Chart Organisation chart from March 1942 before move.
1.8MB Photograph of Organisation chart from March 1942.
Alphabetical Alphabetical list of staff from March 1942 chart.
Groups Staff listed by group from March 1942 chart.
Biographies Links to brief biographic pages of a few staff.
**Each person has a separate page - not shown here.**
Purbeck Radar development in Purbeck, Dorset, UK
Introduction Move to Worth May '40 and move away in May '42.
Story of Radar Sites Outline of what happened during the time in Purbeck.
Stations Operational radar stations in Purbeck / Dorset
Worth Matravers Chain Home and Chain Home Low.
Durlston Oboe station at Durlston code name 'Tilly Whim'.
Exhibition Exhibition about early radar in Swanage, UK
Introduction Introduction to exhibition and location.
Programme Exhibition themes for coming years.
Opening Ceremony Opening ceremony July 2006.
1.0MB Photographs & transcript of ceremony in July 2006.
Memorial Radar memorial at St Aldhelm's Head, Dorset
0.8MB Photographs of unveiling ceremony in October 2001.
Trust About the Purbeck Radar Museum Trust
Introduction Introduction including current trustees.
Contact Postal and e-mail addresses to contact the Trust.
Donations Donations of money or materials welcome!
Background How and why the Trust was set up.
0.2MB Object of Trust - extract from Trust document.
Milestones List of activities & publications by Trust members.
More.. Where to go for more information
Introduction Introduction to this 'More information' section.
Books Background to book list page plus downloadable lists.
Book List List of books by and about the radar pioneers.
Library Reference library about early radar - in Swanage.
Library List List of books in the reference library
Videos Video and film about early radar development.
Links Links to some other websites about early radar.
Publications Booklets etc. published by and available from the Trust.
Individual DVD - 'Echoes of the Past'.
Individual 'Secret War in Purbeck' - booklet.
Individual Booklets - 'Dorset's Radar Days' and 'With Radar to Final Victory'.
Individual Brochure - 'Radar Development in Purbeck, Dorset'
Individual Penley Radar Archives - CD-ROM.
Abroad Process for international orders
Mobile QR Code access page for smart phones - summary where to go for more information


Chain Home aerial masts - click for radar story.
Meeting with 'Jimmy' Rowe


Site at Worth Matravers
Radar exhibition at Swanage Museum & Heritage Centre
Radar Memorial

Purbeck Radar Museum Trust



Frequent Questions

link to publications page



copyright © Purbeck Radar Museum Trust 2013  |  www.purbeckradar.org.uk  |  version 8f - 9 May 2015

Page last updated: 21 February 2013