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Penley Radar Archives - CD front
Penley Radar Archives - CD back
Penley Radar Archives - CD-ROM

In the 1990s Dr Bill Penley, one of the wartime radar researchers, wrote to a number of wartime colleagues asking for their personal reminiscences, photographs etc. relating to that period.  His aim was to preserve some record of that significant time for the benefit of future researchers.  He encountered difficulties in finding a suitable home to preserve these records, while at the same time making them accessible for study.  He has therefore scanned some of the records and saved them to CD-ROM.  An index of the scanned documents (plus some introductory material) is available on the Penley Radar Archives website: www.penleyradararchives.org.uk .

Available from the Purbeck Radar Museum Trust - £20

Availability: see publications page.


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Page last updated: 07 May 2013