
In January 1940 Stanley Ratcliffe applied for a job as Lab. Assistant at the Air Ministry Research Establishment in Dundee when the radar research was based there.  He was appointed to Worth Matravers and started work on 1st April 1940.  He spent much of the war building and using equipment to measure receiver noise.  His contributions to the Penley Radar Archives (link below) give a personal insight into how the work appeared to a new recruit!

Stanley stayed with TRE after the war with a career dedicated to Air Traffic Control.

Papers & Links etc.
Penley Radar Archives - reminiscences, RAF radar, letters 
    [ index on www: www.penleyradararchives.org.uk/documents/ratcliffe ]
Group in March 1942:  Group 21 - Chain receivers and long afterglow CRTs

copyright © Purbeck Radar Museum Trust 2013  |  www.purbeckradar.org.uk  |  version 8f - 9 May 2015

Page last updated: 05 April 2011