
Johnny JohnsonJohnny Johnson joined the RDF (radar) research team at Bawdsey Research Station in June 1939. I remember him working on navigational aids. He remained at TRE after the war but later left to join Industry.

He worked on guided weapons at Vickers Weybridge and subsequently was the Director of the Central Electricity Generating Board Research Centre at Marchwood. He was an advisor to Marconi Underwater Systems on techniques for geological searches for oil deposits under the seas.

He was the main editor for the IEE special issue on Historical radar in October 1985 - see the Penley Radar Archives link below. 

Bill Penley

If you have additional information or materials - please contact the Radar Trust
Papers & Links etc.
Penley Radar Archives - IEE historical radar & letters  
    [ index on www: www.penleyradararchives.org.uk/documents/johnson ]
Group in March 1942:  Group 17 - 'GEE' Navigational Aid 
Miss Sudbury, Kath & Johnny Johnson, Bob Dippy

copyright © Purbeck Radar Museum Trust 2013  |  www.purbeckradar.org.uk  |  version 8f - 9 May 2015

Page last updated: 05 April 2011