
Leonard HuxleyLeonard Huxley was one of the group of physicists who were told about the secret of radar in the summer of 1939 before the outbreak of war.  When war was declared, Huxley was directed to join the radar team and his first posting was to Fighter Command.  During the Battle of Britain he advised on the operation of the Chain Home stations along the coast.  A report he wrote on this was later described as a landmark in the history of Operations Research.

After Fighter Command he was posted to Swanage where he helped Jack Ratcliffe set up and then run the training school for both civilian and service personnel.  The school, based in Forres, trained operators, technicians and designers to design, operate and maintain the range of different radar equipments.

After the war he worked in the Electrical Engineering department at Birmingham University.  In 1949 he took a post as chair of physics at Adelaide University.

Sir Leonard George Holden Huxley
29 May 1902 – 4 September 1988

Bill Penley Jan 2011

If you have additional information or materials - please contact the Radar Trust
Papers & Links etc.
Wikipedia page:  biography Sir Leonard Huxley  accessed Feb 2011
or try:  http://en.wikipedia.org/  with search words: Sir Leonard Huxley phsicist
Australian Academy of Science  biography Sir Leonard Huxley  
or goto: www.asap.unimelb.edu.au  with search words Leonard Huxley.
Group in March 1942:  Group 29  - ?School? - Training courses of all kinds

copyright © Purbeck Radar Museum Trust 2013  |  www.purbeckradar.org.uk  |  version 8f - 9 May 2015

Page last updated: 30 May 2011