John Duckworth gained a first class honours degree in physics from
Oxford University. During the early years of the war he worked closely with Bill Penley on
ground radar. He wrote an interesting account of war-time merchant ship radar with which a rocket launched Hurricane
fighter was to be used for
defence at sea outside land based radar cover. He contributed
this to the Penley Radar Archives (see link below).
He returned to nuclear research after the war and subsequently held many very senior positions in Industry.
Wadham College, Oxford (MA).
1939-46 Telecommunications Research Establishment, Malvern: Radar
research and development;
1946-47 National Research Council, Chalk River, Ontario,
1947-50 Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell.
John Clifford Duckworth FREng FIEE FinstP FInstE
born 27 December 1916
Bill Penley