
Before the war Ken Budden was studying at the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge University.  Although he was interviewed by Rowe at Bawdsey Manor, it was not until early 1940 that he he was officially appointed to the Air Ministry Research Establishment at Dundee (this was where the Bawdsey Research Station moved at the outbreak of war). 

He did the early research on heightfinding using 1.5 metres at Arbroth (near Dundee) which was used in the development of stations for Ground Control of Interception (GCI).  In 1941 he was sent to the USA as member of the British Air Commission. In 1945 he was sent to Air Command in south-east Asia as a civilian consultant.

In 1946 he returned to Cambridge as a demonstrator in the Cavendish Laboratory and Fellow of St John's College.  In 1965 he was appointed Reader in Physics.

23 June 1915 - 4 Sept 2005

Bill Penley, Jan 2011

If you have additional information or materials - please contact the Radar Trust
Papers & Links etc.
Penley Radar Archives - autobiographical notes & letters 
    [ index on www: www.penleyradararchives.org.uk/documents/budden ]
Royal Society - elected Fellow in 1966 - for a biography -
go to: http://rsbm.royalsocietypublishing.org with search words: Kenneth Budden  [accessed Jan 2011]
Churchill Archives Centre, Cambridge holds some of Ken Budden's papers:
List available via Janus ref: GBR/0014/BDDN:  biography & papers Kenneth Budden  [accessed Jan 2011]
or try:  http://janus.lib.cam.ac.uk/  with search words: Kenneth Budden 
Obituary in The Times on 11 Oct 2005
Group in March 1942:  ?On Secondment?

copyright © Purbeck Radar Museum Trust 2013  |  www.purbeckradar.org.uk  |  version 8f - 9 May 2015

Page last updated: 09 May 2015