Bacon graduated from Cambridge in June 1939. He
was one of the scientific recruits who were to nurse maid
the Chain Home radar stations for the first six months of
the war. He arrived at Worth Matravers on 4th May
1940 and, with Banwell, developed the Variable Elevation
Beam (VEB) heightfinding system at a 1.5 metre
wavelength. An experimental aerial system was
installed on the 240ft wooden tower near Renscombe
Farm. This system was later installed at the Ventnor
Chain Home station as height finding was ineffective
there. He then developed the AMES type 13
centimetric heightfinder.
After the war he joined the Atomic Energy Research
Establishment (AERE) at Harwell pioneering neutron
diffraction. In 1963 he became professor of physics
at Sheffield University.
Bill Penley, Jan 2011